Controled plants origins

  • Choice of plants
  • Extracts composition

Growth conditions and uses of plants are decisive.
Controlling the entire plants supply chain is what differentiates AirmedScience in terms of quality control.

AirmedScience, plant extract producer

The millennial use of plants by Human taught him that obtaining beneficial effects depends on precise criteria used today in quality control. 

Thus, agronomic conditions of the production zones, local botanical varieties used as well as harvesting, transport or extraction conditions, have a decisive impact on the composition of the extracts.

AirmedScience has therefore decided to ensure its independence by controlling all its supplies in order to control the efficiency of its products. 

Discover our solutions

Breeding sector meets unpredictable problematics of various origins.
AirmedScience creates multiple action modes solutions, to correct and reduce efficiently these problematics affecting animal health.

The benefits of plants as animals production services'

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